Vol 10 - N° 3 - octobre 2018
P. 181-465© SPLF
Cours du Groupe d'Oncologie thoracique de Langue Française GOLF 2018
The GOLF 2018 conference in Paris, France
J. Cadranel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 181. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
PDF HTML accès libreFrance and worldwide epidemiology of lung cancer
J. Trédaniel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 182-5. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Risk factors for lung cancers: Tobacco, occupational and environmental exposure
T. Urban, J. Hureaux, G. Justeau, G. de Chabot
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 186-191. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
The costs of lung cancer
C. Chouaid, A. Vergnenègre
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 192-7. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
The principles of the medico-economic évaluation applied to lung cancer
S. Loubière, J. Cadranel, F. Barlesi, P. Auquier
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 198-206. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Smoking cessation: Avoiding cancer, reducing treatments toxicities and risk of relapse
A.-M. Ruppert, F. Amrioui, V. Fallet, J. Cadranel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 207-213. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Lung cancer screening in France and worldwide
S. Couraud, B. Milleron
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 214-221. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Impact of the improvement of the diagnostic system on the prognosis
F. Millet, A. Lavolé, V. Fallet, J. Cadranel, M. Wislez
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 222-7. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
How to optimize the histo-pathologic diagnosis of lung cancer?
V. Gounant, J. Pluvy, A. Cazes, S. Brosseau, M. Nguenang, E. Mahdjoub, M.-P. Debray, G. Zalcman, A. Khalil
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 228-235. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Histomolecular classification of lung tumors
M. Antoine, J. Moroch, F. Kebir, M. Georges, A.-M. Ruppert, M. Wislez, J. Cadranel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 236-247. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Staging and current TNM classification for non-small cell lung cancer
E. Giroux Leprieur, M.-P. Revel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 248-254. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Early care in palliative care: What are we talking about?
C. Bouleuc
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 255-261. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Intensive care and lung cancer
A.-C. Toffart, M. Giaj Levra, L. Ferrer, J. Pinsolle, N. Terzi, D. Moro-Sibilot
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 262-8. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Unconventional therapies in the practice of oncology: What answers should we give to patients?
M.-A. Massiani
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 269-274. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Standards in surgical treatment of non-small cell lung cancer
H. Étienne, M. Le Roux, M. Giol, D. Debrosse, T. Khalife, J. Camuset, J. Assouad
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 275-284. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Peri-operative treatment of non-small cell lung cancer: Current standards and perspectives
B. Milleron, V. Gounant, A. Lavolé, S. Brosseau, G. Zalcman, J. Cadranel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 285-291. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Which follow-up, for which patients after lung cancer surgery?
V. Westeel, B. Milleron
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 292-5. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Alternatives to thoracic surgery in the early stages lung cancer?
L. Tsélikas, F. Deschamps, A. Botticella, P. Lavaud, O. Mercier, C. Lepéchoux, T. De Baere
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 296-302. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Principles and main technical aspects of thoracic radiotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
C. Durdux, J.-E. Bibault, F. Jaffré
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 303-313. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Which therapeutic strategies for stage IIIA (T1-T3N2) NSCLC?
M. Alifano, P. Giraud
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 314-8. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Which therapeutic strategies for stage IIIB/IIIC (T4N2/T1-T3N3) NSCLC?
P. Gustin, P. Fournel, C. Le Péchoux
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 319-325. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Which therapeutic strategies for oligometastatic NSCLC?
A. Desmet, P. Van Schil, P. Van Houtte
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 326-331. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Primary pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors: Carcinoid tumors and large-cell neuro-endocrine carcinomas
N. Girard
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 332-9. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Diagnostic and therapeutic management of malignant pleural mesothelioma in 2018
S. Brosseau, V. Gounant, P. Mordant, A. Khalil, A. Cazes, G. Zalcman
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 340-8. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Small cell lung cancer
I. Monnet
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 349-357. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Oncogenic addictions: From diagnosis to follow-up
M. Beau-Faller, D. Reita, V. Lindner, M. Legrain, A. Schneider, E. Guerin, E. Pencreach
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 358-368. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
First-line chemotherapy including maintenance therapy and anti-angiogenic therapy in advanced NSCLC without oncogenic addiction
M. Pérol, A. Swalduz, V. Paulus, V. Avrillon
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 369-379. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
First-line immunotherapy for advanced stage NSCLC (without oncogenic addiction)
A. Scherpereel
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 380-4. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Second line treatments and non-small cell bronchopulmonary cancers without oncogenic addiction
P.-J. Souquet
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 385-390. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Management of brain métastasés in non-small cell lung cancers
P. Le Noac’h, R. Descourt, G. Quéré
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 391-7. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Assessment, prevention and management of toxicities of chemotherapy, anti-angiogenic and immunotherapy
P. Créquit, B. Duchemann, A. Canellas, V. Fallet, M. Wislez, J. Cadranel, A. Lavolé
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 398-407. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Special populations: Elderly patients with lung cancer
E. Quoix
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 408-415. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
The painful patient
V. Fallet, N. Chaabane, M. Wislez, J. Cadranel, Y. Raffray
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 416-424. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Therapeutic management of non-small cell lung cancer of advanced stages mutated for EGFR
J. Cadranel, V. Fallet, A. Canellas, A. Lavolé, A.-M. Ruppert, M. Wislez
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 425-439. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
NSCLC with ALK and ROS rearrangements
D. Moro-Sibilot, J. Pinsolle, M. Giaj Levra, E. Jacquet, A.-C. Toffart
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 440-5. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Advanced NSCLC with other oncogenic addictions (BRAF, HER2, MET, RET, NRTK...)
S. De Percin, D. Planchard
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 446-453. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018
Assessment, prevention and management of toxicities of ALK and EGFR inhibitors
B. Mennecier, E. Dansin
Rev. Mal. Respir. actual December 2018; 10(3): 454-465. Publication en ligne : 17 December 2018